Thursday, October 11, 2007

This sucks.

Dieting really sucks. It really does! I hate being hungry all the time and I hate not being able to eat what I want. I LOVE food. All kinds of food. Low fat food is boring and bland, unless you really know how to prepare it and quite honestly, right now I simply don't have the time to mess around with new recipes.

What sucks even more is that I feel like I am depriving myself - yet I'm not really seeing any results!! OK, I'm not starving myself but then again I'm not having pizza, or chips or pasta, or fried stuff. So why is the scale not budging??!!

I think I'm going to try the Fat Smash diet.

The good news is that the gym is going well. My clothes are fitting me much better and I can feel my body getting tighter. I just hate the idea that in terms of weight, I may only be "maintaining."

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